Time |
Event |
08:00 - 08:45
Welcome desk - Welcome desk (no on-site registration) |
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome to the conference! (Auditorium) - Cheryl Frenck-Mestre |
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote (Auditorium) - Piet Desmet, KU Leuven |
09:00 - 10:00 |
› Artificial Intelligence in Education. Challenges and Opportunities for (Language) Learning & Teaching. - Piet Desmet, KU Leuven |
10:00 - 11:00
Session 1 - Acquisition (Auditorium) |
10:00 - 10:20 |
› “Each language opens a whole new world”: Parents' views on multilingualism in early childhood - Sandra El Hadi, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
10:20 - 10:40 |
› Phonological influences in early bilingual lexical development: A cross-linguistic questionnaire study on cognate knowledge in bilingual toddlers - Katrin Skoruppa, Université de Neuchâtel, Institut des sciences logopédiques |
10:40 - 11:00 |
› Multilingual effects on co-speech gesture comprehension in school-aged children - Pauline Wolfer, Autism, Bilingualism, Cognitive and Communicative Development (ABCCD) Research Group, Faculty of Science and Medicine, University of Fribourg (CH) |
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break (Lobby) |
11:30 - 12:30
Session 2 - Education & Learning (Auditorium) |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Feasibility and emotions in a pedagogical translanguaging protocol for teaching L2 derivational morphology to migrants - Julie Franck, University of Geneva - Despina Papadopoulou, Aristotle University |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› Can children in 4th grade learn novel English word pronunciation using a color-code? - Tiphaine Caudrelier, Université Lumière - Lyon 2 - Institut de Psychologie |
12:10 - 12:30 |
› Word learning interference in bilinguals: the influence of language proficiency. - Sara Ferman, Tel Aviv University |
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch on site & (Lobby) |
12:30 - 14:50
Poster session 1 (Lobby) - The list of posters is in the PDF program (forthcoming). |
15:00 - 16:00
Session 3 - Heritage speakers (Auditorium) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
› Subject and object wh-question comprehension among Farsi-speaking adults, monolingual children, and heritage child speakers of Farsi - Tina Ghaemi, University of Dortmund |
15:20 - 15:40 |
› Priming motion event constructions within and across languages in heritage speakers of Italian living in Germany - Ioli Baroncini, University of Mannheim |
15:40 - 16:00 |
› Examining Accentedness in Russian Heritage Speakers: The Influence of Bilingualism Onset Age - Irina Rubinstein, Bar-Ilan University [Israël] |
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break (Lobby) |
16:30 - 17:30
Session 4 - Lexicon (Auditorium) |
16:30 - 16:50 |
› Recognition memory for L1 and L2 words in bilinguals - Kristin Lemhöfer, Radboud University Nijmegen |
16:50 - 17:10 |
› Impact of Lexical Tone Similarity on Mandarin Word Processing in French Learners - Yen-Lin PAN, Laboratoire Parole et Langage |
17:10 - 17:30 |
› The acquisition of motion events construal by German learners of L2 Italian: Do learners adapt to new lexicalization patterns and semantic constraints? - Anna Michelotti, University of Mannheim |
18:00 - 20:00
Social event (Lobby) |
Time |
Event |
08:30 - 09:00
Welcome desk - Welcome desk - no on-site registration |
09:00 - 10:00
Session 5 - Phonetics, phonology (Auditorium) |
09:00 - 09:20 |
› Auditory cortex anatomy reflects multilingual phonological experience - Olga Kepinska, University of Vienna [Vienna] |
09:20 - 09:40 |
› Listening to a foreign friend in a noisy restaurant: Neural correlates of listening to nonnative-accented speech in multi-talker background noise - Janet Van Hell, Pennsylvania State University |
09:40 - 10:00 |
› Neural correlates of lexical alignment in native and non-native interactions - Alice Foucart, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija |
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break (Lobby) |
10:30 - 11:50
Session 6 - Cognitive processes (Auditorium) |
10:30 - 10:50 |
› Overlap in the Cerebral Processing of Language and Executive Control: Effects of Age, Sex, and Bilingualism - Oona Cromheecke, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium |
10:50 - 11:10 |
› Cerebral Networks of Bimodal Extreme Language Control - Functional Imaging of Sign-Oral Interpreting - Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Université de Genève = University of Geneva, Universität Zürich [Zürich] = University of Zurich - Idil Gemici, Yeditepe University |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Working memory affects performance in L1 verbal fluency tasks more than L1 lexical abilities do: Evidence from middle-aged and older multilingual individuals. - Valantis Fyndanis, University of Oslo, Cyprus University of Technology |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Closing Distances: How Aging Redefines Semantic Connections in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers - Miren Arantzeta, University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch on site & (Lobby) |
12:30 - 14:50
Poster session 2 (Lobby) - The list of posters is in the PDF program (forthcoming). |
15:00 - 16:00
Keynote (Auditorium) - Rachel Bawden, ALMAnaCH INRIA |
15:00 - 16:00 |
› Machine Translation and the Challenge of Cross-Lingual Ambiguity - Rachel Bawden, Automatic Language Modelling and Analysis & Computational Humanities |
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break (Lobby) |
16:30 - 17:30
Session 7 - Sociolinguistics (Auditorium) |
16:30 - 16:50 |
› Adult L2 learners' attitudes towards the acquisition of sociolinguistic variation in Flanders: a Q-study - Chloé Lybaert, Universiteit Gent = Ghent University |
16:50 - 17:10 |
› Teenagers' attitudes towards multilingual literacy and reading in the heritage language at school - Jasmijn Bosch, University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] = Universiteit van Amsterdam |
17:10 - 17:30 |
› The use of morphologically unintegrated English-origin verbs in Montreal Hip Hop - Marie-Eve Bouchard, University of British Columbia |
Time |
Event |
08:30 - 09:00
Welcome desk - No on-site registration |
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote (Auditorium) - Clara Martin, BCBL |
09:00 - 10:00 |
› Enhancing Novel Speech Sounds and Word Learning in Second Language Acquisition - Clara Martin, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language |
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break (Lobby) |
10:30 - 11:30
Session 8 - Learning (Auditorium) |
10:30 - 10:50 |
› Learning L2 words with social feedback: evidence from pupillometry and EEG - Ana Zappa, University of Barcelona |
10:50 - 11:10 |
› Morphological decomposition of novel derived words: behavioral and neural evidence - Tali Bitan, University of Haifa, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Are pupils with developmental or learning disorders more at risk in immersion education? - Chloé Parmentier, Psychological Sciences Research Institute, Université catholique de Louvain |
11:30 - 12:10
Session 9 - Communication (Auditorium) |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Bilingualism, bidialectalism, and agreement attraction errors: A social-based approach to bilingual language processing - Camilla Masullo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› Greetings in multilingual communication: Case of Czech, French and English - Magdaléna Lapúniková, Institute of the Czech language and Library Science, Silesian University in Opava - Eva Nováková, Department of English and American Studies, University of Pardubice |
12:10 - 12:30
Closing Remarks (Auditorium) |